Customer Satisfaction

by Shadab Farooqui

It is such a cliche topic - no company will say that they do not want highly satisfied customers. Yet, there are companies that are very successful in delivering customer satisfaction, while others falter and the dissatisfied customer trend becomes rooted in the company. This is hard to reverse, and has significant impact on the bottom line, besides making the company feel incomplete and handicapped. It's amazing how many CEO's and investors talk about growth but very few touch on the topic of LTV - lifetime value of the customer. 1000 customers who stay with you and love you forever is much better (and profitable) than 10,000 who stay with you for few months or years, and then leave.

I hope for my company to develop a deeper and personal relationship with doctors, while delivering solutions which make their life a little bit easier. I strive for compassion in our DNA, and the hunger to deliver on promises to ourselves, our co-workers and the stakeholders. 

Considering the doctor's mobile site will be the #1 Health App in the years to come, our goal is to have 100% doctors LOVE us for the promises we keep, and the services we deliver. 


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